Install and manage notation plugins

Install and manage notation plugins

Plugins for notation provide functionality and integration with key stores and signing services. For example:

Install a plugin

To install a plugin, run the notation plugin install command to directly install a plugin either from a URL or from the host file system. This will create a {plugin-name} directory in {NOTATION_LIBEXEC}/plugins/ if the directory does not exist. The supported plugin file formats are .zip, .tar.gz and single plugin executable file. Alternatively, if you are using an application that bundles a plugin and the notation binary together, such as AWS Signer, see the installation instructions from the vendor.


Install a plugin from file system:

notation plugin install --file <file_path>

Install a plugin from URL:

notation plugin install --sha256sum <digest> --url <HTTPS_URL>

Install Notation AWS Signer plugin

To find out more about the AWS Signer plugin, please refer to their official documentation.

Install from file system


notation plugin install --file
Successfully installed plugin com.amazonaws.signer.notation.plugin, version 1.0.298

Upon successful execution, the plugin is copied to Notation’s plugin directory.

Install Notation Azure Key Vault Plugin (v1.0.2)

To find out more about the Azure Key Vault Plugin, please refer to this GitHub repository.

Install from URL:

notation plugin install --url --sha256sum f2b2e131a435b6a9742c202237b9aceda81859e6d4bd6242c2568ba556cee20e

Downloading plugin from
Download completed
Successfully installed plugin azure-kv, version 1.0.2

Install from local file:

notation plugin install --file notation-azure-kv_1.0.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Successfully installed plugin azure-kv, version 1.0.2

Install Notation Venafi Plugin (v0.3.0)

To find out more about the Venafi Plugin, please refer to this GitHub repository.

Install from URL:

notation plugin install --url --sha256sum 03771794643f18c286b6db3a25a4d0b8e7c401e685b1e95a19f03c9356344f5a
Successfully installed plugin venafi-csp, version 0.3.0-release

Install from local file:

notation plugin install --file notation-venafi-csp-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Successfully installed plugin venafi-csp, version 0.3.0-release

To confirm you plugin is installed, run notation plugin list. For example:

notation plugin list

Confirm the plugin is listed in the output. For example:

$ notation plugin list
NAME                                 DESCRIPTION                                           VERSION          CAPABILITIES                                                             ERROR

azure-kv                             Sign artifacts with keys in Azure Key Vault           1.0.2            [SIGNATURE_GENERATOR.RAW]                                                                     <nil>
com.amazonaws.signer.notation.plugin AWS Signer plugin for Notation                        1.0.298          [SIGNATURE_GENERATOR.ENVELOPE SIGNATURE_VERIFIER.TRUSTED_IDENTITY SIGNATURE_VERIFIER.REVOCATION_CHECK] <nil>
venafi-csp                           Sign artifacts with keys in Venafi CodeSign Protect   0.3.0-release    [SIGNATURE_GENERATOR.ENVELOPE SIGNATURE_VERIFIER.TRUSTED_IDENTITY SIGNATURE_VERIFIER.REVOCATION_CHECK] <nil>

Uninstall a plugin

To uninstall a plugin, use notation plugin uninstall.

notation plugin uninstall <plugin_name>

To confirm your plugin is uninstalled, run notation plugin list. For example:

notation plugin list

Plugin naming structure

The notation CLI strictly follows the Notary Project specification for plugins. This includes the naming structure for the plugin binary and the plugin directory. All plugins must be named notation-{plugin-name} and placed in the {NOTATION_LIBEXEC}/plugins/{plugin-name}/ directory. Also, you can’t modify the filename of the plugin binary from the tar.gz file when installing a plugin.

For example, the full path to the notation-azure-kv plugin is {NOTATION_LIBEXEC}/plugins/azure-kv/notation-azure-kv.

If the plugin name or plugin directory does not match the naming structure or the plugin name is altered, notation will not recognize the plugin.

Security best practices for plugins

Plugins are binaries that run on your host and can receive sensitive information from notation such as signatures, private keys, and payload data. As a result, it is strongly recommended that you follow these security best practices when using plugins:

  • Ensure that you only download plugins and their checksums from known, trusted sources
  • When available, use checksum verification or signature verification to confirm the plugin binary is not corrupted

Available plugins

The following plugins are currently available for notation:

Last modified February 29, 2024 : updated links to text-based hyperlinks. (fcf52d8)